Learning Exchange

Family Planning Health Worker Certification - Private Training - Columbia, SC (Feb, 2019)

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Private Contract Training

The two day intensive Family Planning Health Worker (FPHW) Certification Training is Essential Access Health's nationally recognized comprehensive contraceptive counseling and education training course for health providers and educators. Participants will learn how to integrate STD/HIV prevention messaging and sexual health promotion into their birth control education sessions. They will also learn the latest motivational interviewing strategies proven to increase user birth control method satisfaction and continuation rates.

Our FPHW training covers the CDC and OPA QFP Recommendations for providing Quality Family Planning services.  All training participants receive the "Fundamentals of Family Planning" manual plus an individual assessment of their ability to provide high quality, patient-centered contraceptive options counseling with STD prevention messaging.

Interested in Booking a Private FPHW Training for your site? Click here to inquire and receive a quote.

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